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Search results for query #доп

0 replies
31.01.2024, 14:34
Is there any way to specify the Discount for the Supplier in his Card, Options, Coefficients, Add. field or other settings, which will be taken into account during the Price Recalculation?
Is there any way to specify the Discount for the Supplier in his Card, Options, Coefficients, Add. field or other settings, which will be taken int...
Additional rights settings process fields
Good afternoon. In the old version of OneBox, for each add. the process field could be configured for each employee (access to view and/or edit). I...
0 replies
13.09.2022, 11:24
The product field is not copied to the parent
Customer order: https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/2404365/edit/ Delivery: https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/lo...
Copy process link to add. process field
Good afternoon. There is a need to transfer the process link to third-party software through the API. How can I automatically copy the process link...
12 replies
File copy buttons not showing (2)
I paint a detailed ticket https://1b.app/ru/forum/interface/13427-ne-vidobrazhaie-knopki-kopiyuvannya-fayl... After the transition to the OS, the wo...
Additional values are not copied. fields with genus. process
Good afternoon. The task is to periodically check the values of add. fields in the parent process and copy to subprocesses. For some reason, the va...
2 answer
04.02.2022, 11:19
Getting extra. warehouse fields
Good afternoon! Is it possible to get additional storage fields via API method /api/storage-balance/get/ ?
Incorrect BP filtering by admissible. field
There is a house semi Control number 1C - an integer, added this field to the BP filters, when specifying the upper value, the filtering shows the ...
4 answer
Add. process product field with type Dropdown
On the example of such an Order - https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/1685352/edit/ it is clear that in the field with the drop...
3 answer
13.09.2021, 12:43
action Calculate and write a value to an additional field, if the conditions are met, does not write English letters to the field
Good afternoon the action is configured in the procedure https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/shop/workflow/133/procedure/278/?status=0 , the settings work an...

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