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2 answer
13.12.2021, 17:45
Do not process sidebars with additional fields
Tell me, be kind, why don't you tell yourself on the side https://yourcolor.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/orderfield/ https://yourcolor.crm-onebo...
12 replies
After updating OneBox, pictures from additional fields flew off
There is a field Visual (pr), in it we insert the picture attached in the order. https://prnt.sc/z2gnsh When changing the stage, the picture with a...
18 replies
17.12.2020, 18:35
additional process product field
Hello, I created a field and set the setting https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/shop/orderproductfield/52/ but it is not filled https://box.optodess...
2015604936 - Improve editing of additional fields in the product list
Improved the ability to edit additional fields in the list of products with the type: string, number, floating point number, text, date and date an...

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