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Search results for query #выгрузка

5 replies
12.06.2023, 13:21
What could be the reason that the order from the promotion is in UAH, but the box is unloaded in dollars?
What could be the reason that the order from the promotion is in UAH, but the box is unloaded in dollars? What needs to be fixed? Maybe it has some...
2 answer
Personal license
27.04.2023, 20:14
Installing OneBox OS on a server
You need to upload OneBox OS to the server
4 answer
30.01.2023, 07:28
XML payment upload BUG
set the payment export action here https://murmur.1b.app/app/automatization-payment/insert/edit/ and here https://murmur.1b.app/app/automatization...
8 replies
05.01.2023, 16:23
Export products to CS-Cart
For the action "Export products to CS-Cart" once per hour, we can modify the checkbox "Upload only products that meet the following ...
2 answer
11.12.2022, 16:02
export of availability and prices via api prom
The solution was in this thread: https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-price-platforms-and-marketplaces/15539...
1 answer
10.10.2022, 01:40
export of cash and prices through the prom app
Product https://rivcont.info/app/product/6678/edit/ there is a checkmark next to the field "Do not upload to feed3?" There are two action...
3 answer
21.09.2022, 16:18
Export/import of goods is not counted
Download files stopped coming to the post office. So by itself, when importing - do not come with the results of uploading. https://strikeshop.com.ua/
1 answer
26.07.2022, 11:32
Rozetka - does not correctly form the price
Here is an example of setting https://vladlhvr.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Here is the directory set up https://vladlhvr.1b.app/app/custo...
3 answer
28.04.2022, 11:39
File generated strangely
Here is the download https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/priceplaces/?id=25 If you open it, the display is broken, the data in the file is in ...
2 answer
upload is not generated
Here is the automation setup https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/day/edit/ but nothing comes to the mail and the file below is not for...

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