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Search results for query #вордпресс

2 answer
Personal license
19.01.2023, 14:46
Urgently. The status of the order does not change depending on the status on WordPress
Here is the order https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/677152/ On the VI, the order status is "trash", in automation once a minute there is an action "...
2 answer
Personal license
16.01.2023, 13:02
Getting a contact by certain fields, not by default
There is a WordPress action / Import Orders https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/minute/edit/ From this action, orders with customer...
2 answer
Personal license
27.12.2022, 02:48
Wordpress order status not changed
Here https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/637920/ There should have been a status between 14 and 16 "on hold" https://take.ms/gvs7Y Based on this actio...
Not receiving orders from WordPress
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ - Wordpress orders are not coming. Can you tell me what's up with the crown? What is the problem and what needs t...
Translates the status of an order outside of the specified time
There is a status "On hold" (wordpress)". If in 5 days (as specified in the setting) the order does not go into shipment, then the o...
BUG!!! Orders from WordPress and marketplaces DO NOT go in !!!
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ Also, automation does not work on any business process. Cron not working!!!
BUG!!! Orders come in from WordPress and marketplaces!!!
BUG!!! Orders come in from WordPress and marketplaces!!! https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/
BUG!! Not all orders were received by CRM!!!
Yesterday, orders were received until 19:22 from Wordpress and that's it, then they started to arrive today. For yesterday there are not many o...
BUG!! Not all orders were received by CRM!!!
5298937 5298945 Here is an example, not all orders from WordPress for yesterday were received by CPM. Fix it and let's do it! Really needed
BUG!!! Orders come in without a delivery method !!!
Orders from WordPress started coming in without a delivery method !!! We can not do ttn and work. What is the problem? We didn't change anything.

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