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Search results for query #блок

How to hide a university. block in process for the role
There is an employee of "Vasya" with 2 roles "leader" and "manager" In the Universal process block, I hide the block for the "manager" role. In thi...
3 answer
06.08.2022, 11:47
The function in the "recent business processes of the client" block does not work
We select the types of processes, check the box "Show the button in the table" Make the process the parent of the current ". But not...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
18.04.2022, 19:29
Correct the words in the setting description
Block "Fill in the contact card" I beg you to correct and it hurts the eye
1 answer
11.03.2022, 18:00
OS - Question - Settings univ. block
Some incomprehensible settings of the "parent process". What do these numbers 100 * 100 A5 mean? And why is this?
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
14.12.2021, 13:49
Only employees are shown in the "Recommended From" field
In progress https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/customorder/lead/43865/edit/ Added the "Fill in the contact card" block, where the "...
2 answer
29.09.2021, 20:47
Fields in the universal block are not loaded
Fields are not loaded in the universal block in the interface in the order https://box.carveli.com/app/workflowtype-order/workflowstatus/88/interf...
7 replies
08.09.2021, 23:46
Download file in subprocess block
To evaluate the refinement in the subprocesses block, you need to be able to download a field with the file type without going into the process, th...
2 answer
08.09.2021, 23:26
Bug displaying the block of subprocesses
The block of subprocesses is displayed as follows http://joxi.ru/Y2Labe0uMXp7vA, all fields available for editing in separate cells, the process fo...
4 answer
13.08.2021, 13:30
OS - "call" interface block
There is a "call" block Recently, a section "convenient time for communication" appeared in this block We do not need this se...
3 answer
18.07.2021, 16:55
OS: Grid
1. Is it possible to make such a grid so that it would be possible to create a freer structure and change the arrangement of elements in it? Ideall...

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