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Search results for query #yanina@difreight.com

2 answer
30.12.2020, 11:17
Call not saved in comments
Good day. Can you guess why the call was not saved in the comments? Skin stage automated "Add call to comments". Format of the note numbe...
19 replies
28.12.2020, 11:40
Change the stalemate in the role of the author
Good day. suggest how to implement. Vykoristovuёmo in the sales robot in the automatic action "Switch the responsible person depending on the ...
2 answer
15.12.2020, 18:00
Integration with Tablo (Financy)
Good evening. How is integration possible with https://fintablo.ru/, how many years?
5 replies
15.12.2020, 16:58
Required supplementation for BP
Good day! Koristuєmosja "Add products to the process based on the processes of the client in the given business process". In this way, on...
3 answer
12.12.2020, 12:03
Not working Check for the presence of a phone number in the comments and merge the process client with an existing contact
Diya write down the phone number from the comments on the contact card correctly. If you already have a double contact in the system, then do not c...
3 answer
20.11.2020, 17:06
Not spratsovuє nalashtuvannya Create a process
Good evening. Might be a problem with the automatic stage. "Create Process". The operation itself is correct, but if we set the checkbox ...
5 replies
16.11.2020, 13:33
Can't login to OneBox app
Spivrobitniks cannot enter the box through an add-on on the phone, https://difreight.crm-onebox.com/ Passwords are entered the same way as in brows...
3 answer
13.11.2020, 11:39
Clickable process ID in the table
Good day. Suggest that you can enter the process ID by clicking on the process ID in the "Add products to process based on customer processes ...
4 answer
12.11.2020, 12:09
Rows of tables, payments, etc. are duplicated.
When re-vantaging the Internet, rows of tables are added (duplicated) in different processes. From that scho I mentioned - tse "Products with ...
2 answer
11.11.2020, 11:13
Automation not working "Add products to process based on customer processes in the given business process"
In automation, the next step is set: Field from which to take data - In which field of the process product to write data. A strange rank in the blo...

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