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Search results for query #roman@diademagrand

2 answer
23.09.2020, 19:43
The "New mail" block in the BP interface does not work correctly
There was a problem due to the fact that the TTN number is located in the wrong field, namely: the generated redirect TTN is now located in the &qu...
2 answer
22.09.2020, 09:20
Link not working correctly
Guys, I noticed that on your site, when answering a question, long links become truncated and give a 404 error when clicking. here is a screenshot ...
Error with email IMAP integration
Today I got this error: "Error with email IMAP integration" Screenshots https://prnt.sc/ul34bq and https://prnt.sc/ul34rh https://drevoje...
5 replies
15.09.2020, 14:14
Integration with Magento
Good day! Previously, additional processing was done in the box https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com to export products to the magento website Vivantazhuv...
4 answer
14.09.2020, 14:29
Automatic adding of unnecessary tag to request suport
Hello! When communicating on this forum, in the "Leave your comment" block, an unnecessary tag is constantly automatically pulled up, you...
10 replies
14.09.2020, 14:15
Is integration with Checkbox planned?
Hello! Tell me if you plan to integrate with https://checkbox.in.ua/. Here is the manual https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zhkc4OljKjea_235YafVvZ...
23 answer
PPO software integration
Good afternoon software development is required The logic of the PRRO The cycle of interaction between the software cash register and the fiscal se...
4 answer
03.06.2020, 10:37
Messages from Rozetka.ua (Acceptance and Sending)
Hello! Please make a full exchange of messages with Rozetka.ua. Now messages only come to OneBox, but sending messages to Rozetka is not possible. ...

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