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Search results for query #prom

1 answer
27.07.2022, 10:51
Uploading prices
Good afternoon! On Prom, it is possible to specify several prices for one product, which change depending on the quantity of the product. In the bo...
12 replies
19.07.2022, 14:59
Order statuses are not updated in Prom.Ua
Good day! Actions in the process do not work: PromUA / Send order status.....(Accepted Fulfilled, Canceled and others). When moving to a stage with...
2 answer
Order statuses do not change in the prom, everything remains in the new
Example at the stage Retail application from the site, the action is transferred to accepted
2 answer
10.06.2022, 14:46
Upload to prom by sorting
Please rate the cost of completion in unloading on prom. It is necessary that the goods be unloaded by sorting from expensive to cheap.
Crop photo to 400x400
Here is the download https://smartkids.crm-onebox.com/app/priceplace-promuayml/9/settings/ Here is the automation https://smartkids.crm-onebox.com/...
6 replies
Personal license
02.06.2022, 17:53
Problem in "Product type" transmission
in the xls upload settings, the type of product "sold in wholesale and retail" was specified But in the file, the product has the type &...
1 answer
19.05.2022, 13:21
The problem of exporting goods to prom.ua
Hello! There are problems with exporting goods to prom.ua(xls) : The file contains incorrect links to product images Ошибка при импорте на Проме - ...
there is no import of orders from Proma - ERROR. from which side is it decided?
this is how it shows the error, is it for all three signs from the prom, is it solved by the prom or is there a possibility of some kind of restart...
1 answer
Refine product update by promo api
In the action once a day "import products prom" there are settings for exporting product values via api How many hours does it take to ad...
1 answer
20.04.2022, 10:19
An order was created without status and business process
Here is the order https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/426024/ came from proma, but there is no status and bp all other orders come correctly, from the sam...

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