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Do not receive requests from sockets
Good day. Vyd vchora do not receive a request from the socket. What is it for?
32 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
03.12.2021, 20:52
Continued problems with ShopSupplier_Processor_Avail and what processor Box_Processor_StartAction
Previously, they were already advised by those according to the food https://1b.app/en/forum/?q=ShopSupplier_Processor_Avail+ The ShopSupplier_Proc...
Pass in the changed first letter with the name of the client
Take food: At once, for the help of the changed [name_first_ru].[name_last_ru]@{|$customuser_Domen|}, an email Petr.Petrenko@kyivhlib.com is formed...
Process sheet not corrected
When pressing the "Save" button, the process sheet does not appear in the process. https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/...
3 answer
27.08.2021, 09:47
Integration with WhatsApp
Connecting the Chat-Api service. Є dvі dії at BP: 1. Send notifications by whatsapp to the client 2. Send message to Whatsapp Catering: what is the...
Ordering from the Outlet
Since the evening, orders from Rosetka have stopped. Nothing was done in integration.
3 answer
Reappearance of goods in warehouses
Such a problem: they robbed the reappearance of a kilka for a year .... they clicked they clicked ... they clicked "save the results of the re...
3 answer
11.05.2021, 11:59
Questions about migrating to OneBox OS, installing a new system on my new server.
Hello, forum users! I wanted to ask a question in the topic: "Official clarification for customers about boxed versions, updates and OneBox OS", bu...
When creating one and the same process with the same stage, different direct duties
At the creation of one and that process №1 https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/980788/edit/ №2 https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/...
10 replies
26.02.2021, 09:11
Block of subprocesses
Good day! Power - how to enter only data on the subprocesses (for the help of the document template or export), without the data on the subprocesse...

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