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Search results for query #os

2 answer
19.11.2021, 12:15
OS - Bug - Products table in progress when inserting data
It is somehow strange and long to copy-paste the names and number of products from one table to another. You can somehow fix this and make everythi...
5 replies
12.11.2021, 18:21
OneBox moves to 1b.app
Dear clients and partners! Already now all new boxes are being issued at the new short address 1b.app. If you create a new cloud box, you will have...
6 replies
12.11.2021, 16:31
OS - Supplier prices
In boxing, they often write on the forum about the shares "0.0000". In one place so, in another so. And we also face this problem. Visual...
6 replies
12.11.2021, 16:23
OS - Select existing image
How can I add an image that is already in the system to the product card so as not to duplicate files? If this is not possible now, is it really po...
12 replies
01.11.2021, 11:37
OneBox OS has become free with no limit on users!
Dear customers and partners, we have great news for all of you! From 11/01/2021, the OneBox OS cloud platform has become free, with no user limit, ...
2 answer
28.10.2021, 17:22
OS - Improvements - Working with events
1. Sometimes employees automatically open not the event itself, but the contact card, because it is customary to simply click on the line next to t...
3 answer
28.10.2021, 16:30
OS - Enhancement - Collapsible Blocks
1. Add to the block header - information about the number of subprocesses. In this case, you can immediately understand from the block whether it i...
3 answer
28.10.2021, 16:03
OS - Bug - Empty filter fields
This bug never goes away. We reset the cache, updated the browser, deleted cookies, pressed CTRL + F5 - and after the next reboot of the computer o...
Flew the layout in the personal account in the Address field
https://box.criamo.com/client/ Test client Login TestTest password TestTest12345 Text overlaps in the address. fix plz.
5 replies
27.10.2021, 13:44
OS where is copying the interface of a contact from another group?
Good afternoon. How can I copy the interface for a contact group from another group? I don't see a setting like this anywhere. In MVP, this is...

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