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Search results for query #instagram

Can't set up integration
Good afternoon! https://egorini.1b.app/app/instagram-direct/appsettings/ installed the app here completed all items I click "add" the aut...
4 answer
03.11.2022, 17:12
Installing Instagram(Direct)
We cannot install the application, it throws an error that only the owner of the box can install. But the account from which we install is the owne...
4 answer
Personal license
25.10.2022, 23:13
Does not send a message to the client from the required process
There was a ticket here https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-messengers/15629-bag-ne-rabotaet-avtom...
5 replies
Personal license
23.10.2022, 19:13
The automatic action does not work, will turn the Instagram Direct message into a process
I made the settings from the video, messages enter the system https://senseeducation.1b.app/app/instagram-direct/, turn into chat https://senseeduc...
3 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
18.10.2022, 11:19
Will there be improvements in Instagram Direct?
Hello ! I have a few questions about the app 1. Is it possible to display the client's avatar on the left side of the (list) chat. The priority...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
12.10.2022, 08:57
Show emoji in chat
Hello! Tell me how to add emoji from instagram to boxing chat?
23 answer
Personal license
20.09.2022, 09:55
Can we generate reports based on data from a component?
Situation: We want to see certain reports on the operation of this component. In view of this, there are several questions about his work. Question...
3 answer
The Instagram (Direct) app for OneBox OS is now available!
The application has become available to users at the link https://1b.app/ru/app/instagram-direct/ you can read the description of the application a...
8 replies
Instagram Direct for OneBox OS is now available!
The component became available to users at the link https://1b.app/ua/app/instagram-direct/ you can read the description of the program and what it...
1 answer
18.08.2022, 18:49
CRM for sales department
We at OneBox Corp can help you automate your OneBox sales force. We will audit your business processes, give recommendations based on our experienc...

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