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Search results for query #crm

8 replies
12.07.2022, 11:48
About the OneBox work model, partners and implementation
Dear users! This article is primarily for you. In it, I will explain how the business model and structure of OneBox works. This information will he...
4 answer
25.06.2022, 19:14
Do not write off pennies from the balance
Good day. In me, I don’t want to write off pennies from the balance sheet, but the CPM blew it. Hocha koshti for a rahunka є. How fast can you fini...
1 answer
25.06.2022, 17:59
You can import products from tables in XLSX format
The local program allows you to export goods to a table. Can you possibly import them into the system?
Srm DOES NOT WORK!!! Orders stopped coming and statuses are being translated
Orders stopped coming and statuses are being translated https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/
2 answer
18.06.2022, 10:13
Hard to scroll through process lists in PWA
It is not convenient to scroll in the mobile. CRM versions. Shown on video. Here https://ysbeauty.1b.app/app/workflowtype-sdelki/ - select the disp...
2 answer
bug when dragging deals by status
Here you can see the fields and how the deal is displayed When dragging fields that were displayed are no longer displayed Refresh the page - eve...
Duplicate CRM widget
Good day. After registration, the partner got access to one more CRM icon.
3 answer
19.04.2022, 22:49
CRM began to hang
Good afternoon. About a month ago, CRM began to freeze when loading any page. Approximate hang time from 5 to 10 seconds. Previously loaded in a ma...
7 replies
16.04.2022, 16:17
Configuring Displayed Processes
in the form "Setting displayed processes" when setting up Select the processes to show in the app nothing is displayed in the application...
0 replies
19.03.2022, 22:28
We invite all users and partners from Bitrix24 and AmoCRM to OneBox
Dear customers and partners! We know that many businesses are trying to stop using Russian software. So, we invite all Ukrainian businesses (and n...

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