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Search results for query #checkbox

CHECKBOX. Fiscalization error
Good afternoon Example process https://kiyservice.1b.app/50118/ when you click on the fiscalization stage, an error occurs https://prnt.sc/vYrkqWdl...
Error when fiscalizing a check
Good afternoon, when switching to the fiscalization stage, it writes an error that the amount of payments cannot be less than the amount of the che...
2 answer
15.07.2023, 10:39
please tell me how to connect the integration with Checkbox step by step, configure and test it
4 answer
The checkbox and some other integrations do not work after switching to the OS. Error 500
After switching to the OS, the integrations were pulled from the previous version, but they do not work. When going to their settings, error 500 is...
1 answer
26.05.2023, 18:02
Please help. Error. The price with rounding is transferred to the receipt, although rounding is disabled in the settings
1. When fiscalizing, it gives an error "The amount of payments cannot be less than the amount of the check" https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/...
8 replies
26.05.2023, 12:20
Error. The price with rounding is transferred to the check, although rounding is disabled in the box
1. When fiscalizing, it gives an error "The amount of payments cannot be less than the amount of the check" https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/3...
5 replies
27.04.2023, 16:24
Shift does not open and order fiscalization does not work
How to set up CPM synchronization with CheckBox, we had it, but now it has stopped working and is throwing an error
2 answer
05.04.2023, 11:13
Proposal for cooperation with PRRO E-Chek for OneBox
Good day! "E-CHEK" LLC, which is included in the list of the main developers of PRRO of Ukraine, welcomes you and makes a proposal for cooperation...
11 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
28.03.2023, 09:34
Prepaid check
Good afternoon In the action "Creating a check" there is a function "Instead of exporting a payment, send one prepayment with the amount from the f...
1 answer
Personal license
27.03.2023, 18:29
Rate the completion of the action for Checkbox
The customer needs to withdraw cash from the register before closing the shift. In the API documentation, it is written that the balance can be obt...

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