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Search results for query #caravellejetta@gmail.com

9 replies
04.12.2020, 16:50
extra field error when copying
Hello, when copying a product, the fields cannot be changed, please help me solve the problem copy action https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/shop/p...
4 answer
04.12.2020, 11:33
filters on prom
Hello, please tell me how to upload filter data to prom to substitute here
9 replies
03.12.2020, 11:30
export to outlet
Hello, we already have goods loaded on the outlet, but not directly from the box, but through prom , now we have set up the upload and want to matc...
5 replies
02.12.2020, 19:22
Hello, please tell me how to remove unnecessary filters through xl import
2 answer
30.11.2020, 12:43
additional fields for products
Hello, when saving a product card, the field is still reset to the old value, no matter what new value is set, please clarify the reason and solution
12 replies
30.11.2020, 12:34
actions when saving a product
Hello, incomprehensible or incorrect logic in action when saving the product, settings on the example of the product field is not correctly cal...
1 answer
27.11.2020, 18:07
Additional product fields
Hello, please tell me how to calculate and fill in the additional product field, for example without action at the bp stage, but with automatic ac...
2 answer
27.11.2020, 12:32
Hello, please tell me something is known about the revision and timing?
5 replies
20.11.2020, 20:18
Hello, please tell me if there are any variables for substitution, for example, the "name" of the product in the seo fields in the produc...
2 answer
17.11.2020, 10:16
transition error
Hello, please specify the reason and solution for the error occurs when trying to go to the stage in BP https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/shop/wo...

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