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Search results for query #boogevooge@yandex.ru

8 replies
24.11.2020, 10:10
Cash desk ATOL 27F
Purchased an online cash register https://www.atol.ru/catalog/atol-27f/ Is it possible to generate fiscal checks for her? And how do we set up inte...
4 answer
23.11.2020, 10:05
Combination of goods
Good afternoon. Is it possible to make the price different when buying 2/3 of the goods (one position)? Let's say 1 product - 690 2 - 1290 3 - ...
3 answer
11.11.2020, 08:59
Good afternoon. We made layout for e-mails. How can we add it now? And how do we check it? In order not to make an order for verification every time.
9 replies
10.11.2020, 09:45
Remove notifications
How to make sure that the customer does not receive notifications for all stages in business processes during self-delivery? Only after a new order...
3 answer
09.11.2020, 13:26
Total weight
Good afternoon. Is it possible to make it so that the total weight for the order is displayed? So far, it has been possible to configure the displa...
5 replies
30.10.2020, 08:15
Track code CDEK
Good afternoon. Registered password and account to work on the API. What can we do so that we can write a track code in orders and the order status...

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