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Search results for query #фильтр

7 replies
Doesn't sort processes by due date
OS - filters work incorrectly / shift chart generation
1. Go to the shift schedule generation section 2. By default, in the employees field, selects an authorized manager 3. When you try to remove or ad...
10 replies
06.08.2021, 16:25
Evaluate the refinement to the contact filtering panel
Good afternoon please evaluate the improvement to the contacts filtering panel, to the additional field block http://joxi.ru/LmGWbyDug9kGZm, when f...
2 answer
Personal license
03.08.2021, 14:40
The OS does not store process filter settings
here https://nevgamovni.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/workflowtype/filter/ add filter after saving - the filter is not added
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
31.07.2021, 10:31
How can you filter products that do not have a specific filter, that is, it is not filled or does not exist at all?
I did not find such an opportunity Maybe someone knows how to do this (without any complicated options like go to the database and do SELECT and JO...
9 replies
Add-on for product filtering
Good afternoon! Please tell me whether it is possible to make an add-on for IM in products so that you can filter out products for which there was ...
7 replies
28.07.2021, 14:28
Duplicate links when using filters on the site
Boxing https://luxshina.ua/admin/ There is a filter Problem: When we filter winter tires the page https://luxshina.ua/avtoshini/zimnie-shini/ ope...
4 answer
20.07.2021, 11:42
OS - sales table with grouping
https://rivcont.info/app/report/designer/2/view/ There is a filter But, there is no filter
1 answer
30.06.2021, 14:28
Filter by empty value
Is it possible to add the ability to filter by an empty value to the process filters for the additional process field? This is done for additional ...
9 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
29.06.2021, 17:52
Additional fields in filters fly off when changing the order of filters
Custom report filter settings https://prosto-shop.pp.ua/admin/report/desiner/4/filter/ Set up 2 filters - select the required field for additional ...

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