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Search results for query #ттн

8 replies
09.01.2023, 14:25
Improve the action "Record who is the payer in the created TTN in an additional field of the process"
It is necessary to evaluate the action for the stage: "Write down who the payer is in the created TTN in an additional field of the process" - sett...
17 replies
06.01.2023, 11:18
How to mass print TTN in a child process if it was created in the parent process?
Good afternoon! Tell me, how to mass print TTN (Nova Poshta, UkrPoshta and other delivery services) in child processes, despite the fact that the T...
Setting up Payment Control for Nova Poshta
Good afternoon. I enabled Payment Control in the sender's settings, but when creating a tn, it writes an error as in the screenshot. Here is an...
how to transfer TTN of Nova Poshta to Prom?
Now in Prom there is a rule that while there is no TTN in the order, the client can cancel the order, and it became necessary to transfer the TTN t...
11 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.09.2022, 21:21
Error Could not create TTN
All fields have been checked and seem to be filled. The operation of Automatically create TTN was checked at the stage, and it was also brought to ...
3 answer
18.08.2022, 10:49
An incorrect phone number is pulled up in the order and when creating a TTN
Good afternoon! There was a problem, we can not understand how this happened at all. We sent a parcel to the client, but some left phone number pul...
Long status changes
I have some kind of problem, the statuses change for a long time, the person took the parcel, and the status of the order and the stage still hangs...
TTN is not created
I’ve been fighting all day and I can’t find an error, when I click on the CREATE TTN button, I get an error: "Failed to create TTN", alre...
1 answer
11.07.2022, 15:57
Is it possible to print to different printers automatically in OneBox OS?
For example, when moving to a stage, a bill of lading is printed on one printer, and TTN on another. Or is it still impossible to manage printers f...
5 replies
07.07.2022, 01:32
Duplicates closing orders from prom as well as those that are already in the list of boxing orders
Automation Prom.ua./Import orders to OneBox duplicates orders in order applications and also creates a new TTN with adding them to the NP account. ...

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