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Search results for query #тариф

1 answer
14.04.2021, 09:10
OneBox renewal
Good afternoon, we paid for the extension of the OneBox tariff here is the receipt But in the vanbox it says this
1 answer
29.03.2021, 12:25
Will the rate work?
Now the client has 20 orders per day, but every day the number of orders increases by 20%. 2 employees will work in the system. Products up to 1500...
5 replies
22.02.2021, 10:45
what tariff to go to?
The client is currently using a server with the following characteristics: 6 Xeon E3 processor cores available 6GB RAM 180GB SSD Works in boxing 2 ...
6 replies
19.02.2021, 15:01
Creating a tariff for one user
Interested in the opportunity to get a system for one user. In general, the company may consider creating a tariff for one user with all the featur...
2 answer
Which rate is right for me?
I have over 100 thousand products Approximately 3000 orders per day. Tell me what tariff is suitable, is it possible to buy an extra bed on server ?
2 answer
15.12.2020, 17:21
Disk space question
https://prnt.sc/w3a9c2 The tariffs indicate the net volume of the disk, or will the system itself occupy another 10-15 GB?
1 answer
13.11.2020, 15:10
Why not sit on a free plan for a very long time or permanently?
Maxim, as you asked, I am writing on the forum. Write your vision on the question - why do leads (we take options where we don’t need synchronizati...
1 answer
tariff payment
Rahunok-invoice No. 2015675822 dated 04.11.2020 please check the payment and activate the tariff payment screen
4 answer
Администратор проектов
09.09.2020, 13:40
Give a link to the tariff for buying a server
Hello! Boxing client box.inal.com.ua. You need to rent a server and move the box there. Advise the tariff so that it is enough for 2 years in advan...

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