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Search results for query #тариф

7 replies
19.04.2022, 18:45
Access for one user
Congratulations! During the war, our business does not work, so we temporarily did not want to continue the cloud tariff for 3 people And I was off...
1 answer
Personal license
18.03.2022, 10:22
they removed the box, although the balance is enough
Hello! the customer's box https://brewelit.1b.app/ has been deleted, although the balance is sufficient to pay the tariff. fix please
cloud tariff
Hello, at the moment we have a box for one user, if you switch to the cloud, you need 4 users, it's not entirely clear what to do with the data...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
30.09.2021, 22:13
There is no reaction on the task (I create a duplicate)
Here is the task https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/business-processes/10878-ne-srabativaet-deystv...
2 answer
17.09.2021, 13:37
Tariff-10 Data, 100 GB
We have https://b2bhub.crm-onebox.com/ 77 GB can it be increased to 100?
4 answer
You need to transfer a license from one domain to another
Previously, we had a crm.punkt.kz domain Now the domain is omegacrm.opbx.ml After the transfer - the license was not transferred, please transfer t...
4 answer
fare payment not working
There are two links in the email. to some form: how to fill it out is not clear. Submit an invoice for payment.
Choosing a Tariff for switching to rent
I ask you to give recommendations on the choice of the Tariff for the transition of the client's box from the box to the cloud Boxing rtb.net.u...
1 answer
20.07.2021, 14:52
Tariff - Integration with PROM
Hello! Tell me, please, in which tariff is it possible to integrate with PROM and Horoshop at the moment?
2 answer
18.06.2021, 08:25
License not spilling
Good afternoon! azing.crm-onebox.com - paid the tariff on 15.06. The license has not yet been updated.

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