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Search results for query #структура

8 replies
Move the boxing database to a separate server
There is an idea to move the boxing database to a separate server (it is necessary for integration with other systems) in order not to do two-way i...
3 answer
26.09.2020, 17:22
List of positions
Where can I view/edit the list of positions for a contact card? Is it possible to make a drop-down list there to select from existing positions? ht...
3 answer
04.09.2020, 16:39
How to remove a contact from a holding structure
I can't find a button/switch in the interface that would remove a contact from the holding structure. It's clear how to add it (interface b...
Displaying the company structure
The biggest inconvenience is related to how the structure is displayed when there is a lot of nesting in the company. Several departments, departme...

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