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Search results for query #статус

11 replies
12.07.2022, 18:00
Automatic page refresh
Can we do this here https://univer.1b.app/desktop/ . Make a check. Every 5 seconds check if the status has changed and if it has changed - refresh ...
5 replies
02.06.2022, 15:37
Does not go to the stage (interface)
Here is the order https://onetos.org.ua/248906/ I specify the client, I press "in work" I get a plaque - "saved" But at the s...
2 answer
bug when dragging deals by status
Here you can see the fields and how the deal is displayed When dragging fields that were displayed are no longer displayed Refresh the page - eve...
1 answer
20.04.2022, 10:19
An order was created without status and business process
Here is the order https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/426024/ came from proma, but there is no status and bp all other orders come correctly, from the sam...
1 answer
01.02.2022, 22:37
PromUA / Switch the stage if the status of the order on prom.ua has changed (works for a very long time)
Here https://womanparadise.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/statistic/ Action "promua-order-status-get-status-orders" Works for a very long time...
9 replies
26.01.2022, 09:39
Orders come without status
For example https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/412873/ In the automations, everything is indicated correctly and before that it worked https://ppikc.crm...
3 answer
29.11.2021, 16:50
Different order statuses
Order https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/customorder/order/375950/edit/ He writes that he is in the status of Samovinіs or courier But if you open the in...
7 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
20.11.2021, 18:05
The system did not change the order status in the rosette / rozetka_order_status_action_change_status
According to your order https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/57095/edit/ At what stage https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/119/actio...
2 answer
Error in Status report
4 answer
24.09.2021, 17:26
The status is transmitted only to the SOCKET, it is not transmitted from the socket to the ONEBOX ??
There is an action "Update order status in Rozetka Seller API" it only changes the status in the outlet (if you change the status in oneb...

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