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2 answer
18.07.2021, 11:51
Unable to edit warehouse cells.
We go into the warehouses, after setting up the warehouses https://m4testbox.crm-onebox.com/app/storage/settings/names/ , open a random warehouse h...
3 answer
OneboxOS warehouses
Good afternoon, updated to OneboxOS, there are no stocks by default, but when I try to install it, it says this.
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
05.07.2021, 11:09
The reserve for goods in the order does not work
Order https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/customorder/whosale/41568/edit/ There is no reserve for all goods in the order Reserved manually But aft...
3 answer
16.06.2021, 09:39
Finalization of the report Change in balance by warehouses
There is a report https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/desiner/23/view/?datefrom=&date...
1 answer
14.06.2021, 10:57
Posting more than bound
https://crm.dobavki.ua/ There is an order to the supplier process, from which it creates a subprocess for posting, in the order of goods 1 piece, i...
1 answer
Will there be an ERP update in the new OneBox?
1. In the new box, will the functionality be improved - in warehouses, balances for a certain date or period of all items. (1 supplier or multiple ...
1 answer
20.05.2021, 11:39
Consultation on the report Balance Changes by Warehouses
There is a report Changes in balance by warehouses in the report designer There is a product filter Can I add this filter to this report?
6 replies
Problem. All business process statuses are not displayed in access rights
Problem. All business process statuses are not displayed in access rights. There is no way to customize the work of employees. In the BP there are ...
2 answer
Is it possible to display one product image for visualization in the minimum reserve?
Is it possible to display one product image for visualization in the minimum reserve? I have 13000 SKUs, I would like to visualize the products whe...
2 answer
Error in uploading XLS file
in the report "balance change in warehouses" if you upload the file in XLS, then the data in the file is confused, the amount sold and th...

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