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Search results for query #скидка

8 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
01.12.2020, 11:16
Why is it not possible to filter by the discount field in products
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/product/filter/block/ There is no way to add such a filter, why is it like a "very standard field"? I ...
8 replies
22.10.2020, 22:01
The discount for the process is incorrectly calculated
The system is configured with a discount when registering a process http://prntscr.com/v4sogc When registering a process in the amount of more than...
1 answer
21.10.2020, 12:55
The discount on the process has flown
Tell me why the discount on the process has flown? Didn't do anything manually. http://joxi.ru/V2V64V6CkYJab2 https://one-box.shine-bright.com....
Not Transferable API Discount
Not Transferable API Discount https://prnt.sc/v2zyih https://prnt.sc/v2zzd4 What zrobiti schob was transmitted?
Automatic calculation of wholesale prices according to the specified functionality - Rate the improvement
Implementation of the wholesale price calculation functionality according to the rules: https://prnt.sc/uuq102 so we have it. It is necessary to be...
Pricing rules and their calculation in the Additional field of the product of the process
Is it possible to make rules in the box for calculating the Price Level and wholesale price of the Price Level according to formulas and Additional...
2015587653 - Refinement for issuing a discount in the /api/contact-login/json/ method
For the /api/contact-login/json/ method, the contact discount parameter discountid has been added to the output - the discount that is entered in t...
1 answer
Display discount for product bundles
Make a full-fledged display of discounts on product sets such as "Together is cheaper" and so on. Now it just displays the total amount i...

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