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4 answer
16.07.2021, 18:07
Rounded prices without VAT with a reduction
Good day How does rounding work in this way? Є nalashtuvannya?
0 replies
09.03.2021, 11:34
Any discount on the first payment for a cloud client
Dear partners and distributors of OneBox! Now we pay you a commission for connecting a cloud client in the amount of $400, of which we pay you $200...
Pardon with prices in the order The discount is superimposed on the customer's discount
Pardon with prices in the order The discount is superimposed on the customer's discount Order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/type/977151...
5 replies
12.01.2021, 11:59
Please help me find a variable
Good afternoon. Tell me, in the document template I want to put the price of the goods, taking into account the discount, which variables to put so...
5 replies
08.01.2021, 16:27
Set up a discount level for a customer
Please help me figure it out. We have a loyalty program for our clients, with a one-time purchase of UAH 5,000, we assign a 1.5% discount to the cl...
15 replies
08.01.2021, 13:30
Urgently! The discount is no longer set when adding a product
Ceased to work out the procedure when adding a product to the table. What happened? What has changed? We specifically did a revision 2 years ago. I...
12 replies
03.01.2021, 11:41
Referral system
Good day! Can you suggest how to set up a referral system for paying not a fee, but for paying a fixed rate per client? Also, how can the Affiliate...
4 answer
25.12.2020, 14:53
Customer discount
https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ We have a group "Clients from 7000" (All contacts/Contact groups). It contains the field "Disco...
5 replies
25.12.2020, 10:19
Discounts and discount cards
https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ Good afternoon. We want to implement a system of discounts and discount cards on the site. What is the easiest...
1 answer
17.12.2020, 13:40
Gift Certificate
https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ We want to introduce the purchase of gift certificates in the online store. With certain denominations and the...

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