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Search results for query #производство

2 answer
When producing a product from a material, the product is credited with the wrong price
/admin/shop/storage/motion/5700094/ If production takes place, and at the same time the material in the system is credited in $, then the product i...
1 answer
16.12.2020, 12:13
There is the following functionality in boxing, how to set it up?
Construction companies for construction companies. There is the following need: it is necessary to plan less work on the busy working areas, the ho...
Atomization of the sewing assembly line process
Cycle the process of the conveyor of sewing production. It is necessary to check the speed of the details and the vibration + monitor shvidk_st wor...
12 replies
08.12.2020, 08:54
Consultation on the action of production
There is a production action https://prnt.sc/vy042i It performs the production of goods based on the passport of the goods. But the constituents ta...
4 answer
05.11.2020, 10:49
Product https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/1285/edit/ no constituent product https://prnt.sc/vdv0zq https://prnt.sc/vdv3e5 but it is ...
1 answer
08.10.2020, 10:22
Solving the problem with fixing requests
There is a client who is engaged in the production of caviar. At the moment, I encountered a problem that employees do not record all applications,...
1 answer
07.10.2020, 17:53
Solution for an online shoe store
Good afternoon, the client is engaged in the production and sale of shoes through Facebook and Instagram. He is looking for software with a user-fr...
2 answer
07.10.2020, 16:32
Sales automation and customer management in a furniture manufacturing company
The client owns a furniture manufacturing company. The main task is to automate the management of projects from the receipt of an application up to...
Solution for garment production.
The client has a sewing factory. The main task: 1. processing orders received on the client's website, 2. integration with 1C, 3. BP customer o...
Solution for the production of rolled metal products.
The client has the production and wholesale of rolled metal products. The main task: 1. warehouse and commodity accounting, 2. automation of receiv...

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