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Search results for query #продукти

5 replies
29.08.2023, 16:13
Why does the system, when copying a product, copy the creation date and ignore (overwrite) the creation action
It turns out that there are the following features of the system: 1. When copying a product, the system copies the data from the "Creation date" (c...
1 answer
Personal license
21.08.2023, 15:14
Photos are not uploaded to products
We import a file from photos of goods using an xlsx file The links in the file are correct (they are directly followed by the image download) https...
0 replies
18.08.2023, 17:50
Update the appearance of product images
Good day! Yesterday there were changes to the images, they became larger in size. Today they returned to their usual size. Please revert this updat...
Complete sets
Tell me how to implement a set, for example, I have a product that consists of several products that are in stock, and how to implement a product a...
3 answer
03.08.2023, 11:23
Gray background on product image
Good day. Yesterday, the interface was updated and there was a cool possibility to view and add photos to the list of products. But in the photo, t...
4 answer
Personal license
06.07.2023, 14:15
An error occurred when adding a block to the product interface
When trying to add "Print barcode button" https://i.imgur.com/RL21OwA.png to the product card interface, the interface settings page "breaks" https...
11 replies
Personal license
05.07.2023, 18:10
Refinement of the product price calculation functionality
We have the following processes in our system: - List of supplier positions - List of client positions - Customer order 1. In the List of p...
4 answer
28.06.2023, 12:22
Limitation on the number of characters in an additional text type field
Good day! The functionality of limiting the number of characters in additional fields of the text or html text type is required. Is there such func...
Error 500 when opening products (clearing the cache does not help)
Boxing https://askoart.1b.app/ An error occurred when opening and editing the product card. I clear the cache but nothing helps. Same situation on ...
13 replies
Personal license
27.04.2023, 16:32
Automation for products does not work when updating supplier details
It was noticed that when updating the supplier's prices, the start of price calculation/automation when saving does not always work for the product...

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