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Search results for query #приват

not all payments are pulled into the system from PrivatBank
Good afternoon! Some payments are not pulled into the system from the Privatbank client
6 replies
10.01.2021, 15:31
Integration with Privat
Hello. There is a need to set up several integrations at the same time (2 or more legal entities) As far as I understand, at the moment there is no...
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
18.12.2020, 10:09
The "Privat24 Autoclient" action "Privat24 Autoclient" did not link the payment to the order / box_auto_action_privat24_import_payments_autoclient
Here is the order https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/30946/edit/ Here is the payment https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/finance/payment/10029/co...
18 replies
15.12.2020, 14:17
I don't receive payments from Privat24 for business, setting up an autoclient
I don't receive payments from Privat24 for business. there are several questions: 1. In the autoclient settings, is the file format for the sta...
9 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
10.12.2020, 16:57
Privat24 Autoclient Checklist for accounts does not find process (rozetka) / box_auto_action_privat24_import_payments_autoclient
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ There is an action "Privat24 Autoclient Registration for accounts" In the action, ...
Extract from Privat24 for business
Hello, you need to receive an extract from Privat24 for business (with a cash account). Associate with the order by last name or order number speci...
1 answer
09.11.2020, 13:47
Privatbank payment in installments does not receive a response
Previously, they made revisions on Privatbank payment in installments 2015094033 A link is sent to the client, then the bank gives an answer and yo...
1 answer
04.11.2020, 20:24
Withdraw bonuses
Bonuses will accumulate in customer cards. Also, their bank cards will be registered in them. It is necessary to withdraw bonuses to bank cards of ...
3 answer
29.10.2020, 13:27
Integration with Privatbank
Hello, after the update, the integration with the private bank failed. Tell me if this problem is real after the update? or there are changes in Pr...
2 answer
some payments through Privat do not get into onebox
noticed that some payments via private do not get into one box, in general, the integration works, but it happens that the last payment on that day...

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