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Search results for query #поставщики

4 answer
01.12.2021, 21:43
Vendor Integrations
https://technosite.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/ 4 integrations with suppliers are configured: Import data from an ERC provider Import data fr...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
01.12.2021, 13:48
The xml product import setting worked incorrectly
https://erp.openshop.ua/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ Action "Generic Import Products (xml/json) (artline)" There is a setting "If t...
1 answer
25.11.2021, 16:12
Creation of processes on different vendors
There is a main process, it has 3 products From it, we create an order to the supplier, but we do not yet know which supplier, for this we specify ...
Out of stock status for vendor
Good afternoon! Is it possible somehow in the system for a particular supplier to make all goods "out of stock"?
2 answer
Formation of the selling price of the product, taking the largest ppm from one of the suppliers
Good afternoon. Tell me, is there any functionality in OneBox where you can set up the logic for transferring the sale price of a product, taking o...
2 answer
14.11.2021, 16:23
Last arrival provider - does not filter
1. Go to https://rivcont.info/app/product/1566/edit/ 2. The supplier of the last arrival is specified 3. Go to "products" https://rivcon...
products are no longer linked to suppliers
I thought it was a mistake in a couple of goods. but no, all products do not have suppliers, and they were in 25-40% of the products assigned to me...
6 replies
12.11.2021, 16:31
OS - Supplier prices
In boxing, they often write on the forum about the shares "0.0000". In one place so, in another so. And we also face this problem. Visual...
3 answer
05.11.2021, 18:42
When making a booking for a postal worker, the client's booking is automatically reserved. How can you turn it up?
Good day. Such a problem, in the case of a postal worker, the goods are delivered to the warehouse, and the goods are immediately reserved in the c...
Integration with South Torg
It is necessary to evaluate the refinement, integration with Yug-torg (https://b2b.yugtorg.com) to process their price lists https://b2b.yugtorg.co...

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