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Search results for query #печать

Does not print in landscape format
When trying to print Orders in tabular form using the Chrome browser, it does not allow printing in Landscape format. The previous version of OneBo...
6 replies
27.08.2021, 10:16
When bulk printing, new documents no longer start on a new page
Hello. We have been using mass printing of documents for more than six months. We select several processes, in the panel of mass operations on proc...
12 replies
17.08.2021, 18:19
Printing invoice Ukr mail
Is it possible for the Delivery invoice field, if the Ukr mail invoice is specified, to add the ability to print an invoice, as is done for the TTN...
5 replies
Bulk document printing
https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/changelog-2020-onebox-mvp/2443-2015629972---do... - there...
3 answer
27.07.2021, 12:51
Price tag printing
It is not possible to set the landscape orientation of the price tag, there is no setting https://box.chinim.com.ua/app/document/pricecode/template...
2 answer
22.07.2021, 16:45
OS: Permissions for Printing Labels
Guys, I need your help. I can't understand what access rights should be given to the user in order to print price tags through the procedure an...
3 answer
13.07.2021, 11:08
When trying to print from a process, it gives a 500 error
There is a process https://crm-access.kronas.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/4249187/edit/ Press print wait and give 500 error
The same order is printed twice!
Hello, on Saturday we noticed this, we thought something was hanging ... Today it happened again: we print the dock and this order 236641 was print...
9 replies
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
16.06.2021, 13:01
Displaying phone numbers in printed forms
In addition to the mobile number, employees also have a short telephony number. It is the short number that is displayed in printed forms, but it i...
5 replies
27.05.2021, 09:36
document printing estimate
Good afternoon. Please evaluate the revision to the action Check out the document, there is a checkbox Check for the presence of a document in the ...

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