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Search results for query #кнопка

3 answer
20.01.2021, 08:21
close button
When choosing a time/date, we suggest renaming the "close" button to the "OK" button. Because the name "close" itself...
5 replies
28.10.2020, 20:55
Add action buttons to title bar
Instead of the standard display, we propose to make it more minimalistic and compact. Now it looks like this. https://prnt.sc/v8webc 1. We suggest ...
2 answer
18.10.2020, 13:39
Add option to the whole Box - TAB
Now by pressing the TAB key - switching to enter the next field works only in quick add forms. https://streamable.com/egugi6 It doesn't work in...
2015645319 - Button "delete record" for PSU types
To eliminate the possibility of erroneous deletion of a BP group, the “Delete entry” button: - moved to the left (previously was next to “save”); -...
4 answer
10.09.2020, 18:16
Stage names
It would be very convenient if the buttons for moving to the stage of the business process were named differently from the stage itself. For exampl...
8 replies
09.09.2020, 09:59
When you click on any button, save, send, create ttn, cancel and others, everything that is at the bottom of the screen to perform actions and chan...
4 answer
02.09.2020, 14:54
How to disable a button in progress
How to disable the "Prepaid" button? https://prnt.sc/ua80sb So that the system does not display it on the desktop of the process.

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