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Search results for query #закупка

3 answer
21.01.2021, 12:19
Purchase price and margin question
There is a cup in stock - 5 pcs. the purchase price of which is 30 UAH, 20 exactly the same cups have arrived at a cost of 15 UAH, 25 cups are now ...
1 answer
12.01.2021, 16:34
updating supplier prices in purchase lists
Orders arrive for the client throughout, and if the goods are not available, then an order should be created to the supplier, but in order not to t...
2 answer
26.11.2020, 11:56
Incorrectly pulls up the purchase price
Please tell me how to fix the wrong pulling up the purchase price: For example, the process: https://onebox.leokor.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/4...
1 answer
06.11.2020, 10:31
Why doesn't onebox take into account the new posting price? - correct the error in your system or explain
does not take into account not in the reports not in the process itself
8 replies
05.11.2020, 18:01
Why does it take the purchase price from the product card in processes, and not from acceptance - posting?
We made posting at the purchase price of 5 UAH and in the processes writes the purchase price from the product card https://prnt.sc/ve4t8v What is ...
9 replies
Automatically pull up the purchase price
How to automate the following: When manually typing an order to a supplier, in the tabular part of the order, in the column "Sale price",...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
19.10.2020, 02:52
Evaluate the revision on the formation of the minimum reserve
Refine the action for calculating product sales and automatically adjust the minimum reserve. 1) You need to analyze the sales of the product: - Yo...
7 replies
12.10.2020, 13:40
Purchase price in supplier order
Problem: when adding a product in an order, the supplier is set the sale price, not the purchase price - http://joxi.ru/vAWWbwWTORY1BA But when add...
6 replies
30.09.2020, 14:53
Integration with zakupka.com
Taking into account global problems, many proms now go to their younger sister - zakupka.com. They do not have an API, but there is XML similar to ...
Integration with zakupka
Integration with the zakupka.com marketplace

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