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2 answer
15.10.2021, 13:50
The action Automatically fill in the values of additional fields of process products based on the lookup does not work correctly
At step 2, the action Automatically fill in the values of additional fields of process products based on the lookup is configured. When you try to ...
4 answer
14.10.2021, 17:21
OS - Bug? - Actions
When you go to the action settings - opens another stage. Can this be fixed?
3 answer
20.09.2021, 17:54
OS - OneBox does not perform actions in BP stages
Continuing the topic https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/other/8048-bag-s-etapami--ne-otobrazhayutsya-v... The problem reappea...
1 answer
20.09.2021, 10:24
BUG! OneBoxOS. Actions are gone!
http://crm.osd.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/40/action/new/ no action at all. And you can add only 4 actions from actions Correct please!
2 answer
Payment automation not working
There are settings https://onetos.org.ua/app/automatization-payment/update/edit/ My task is that if I update the payment (change its category or li...
2 answer
OS - fix the display of the name of the action at the stages of the BP
There is a small issue with displaying the name of the action in the steps. Please correct this moment.
10 replies
OS: Drop-down lists/multi-lists are not displayed correctly in the action settings
In automation and in actions at the BP stages, if there is a setting for selecting from a drop-down list / multi-list, then it is displayed very na...
1 answer
18.07.2021, 17:31
OS: Action (questions)
1. Tell me if there is such an action in the system, because I can't find anything similar. Prevent switching a stage if certain sub-processes ...
3 answer
18.07.2021, 15:27
OS: Switch between "interface" - "actions"
Now there is no way to instantly switch to the "actions" tab of the same process in which the interface is being edited (and vice versa)....
No action is added in automation for contacts
I add an action in automation for contacts https://anastasiiaostest.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization-user/update/edit/, but most of them are not a...

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