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2 answer
08.08.2022, 11:51
"Show interactive window" from procedure not working
Can you please tell me why the interactive window does not open if it is hung in a procedure?
1 answer
22.07.2022, 20:18
Sending pictures in telegram action
Here is the process https://timelearn.1b.app/434/ it has a procedure "sms witannya" - settings https://timelearn.1b.app/app/workflow/5/pr...
1 answer
05.07.2022, 22:37
The principle of operation is not understood
What is the principle of operation of the action "Add a product to the process based on the value of the product field of the process "Se...
2 answer
23.02.2022, 10:24
Additional contact fields
Good afternoon, please tell me how to find the name of the variable of additional fields? The task is to send the contents of these additional fiel...
4 answer
15.02.2022, 11:50
Action needed to be improved
Good afternoon. It is necessary to refine the already existing action "Sending the price list to the client once a day", with the help of...
16 replies
28.01.2022, 09:47
Refinement of the action
Good afternoon. Previously, we refined the action to send the price list by mail once a day. (the system put certain prices in certain columns) We ...
11 replies
27.01.2022, 09:30
Certain legal entities for each BP
Good afternoon. Is it possible to tie up the necessary legal entities under a certain BP? For example, there is a BP, it is necessary to display in...
1 answer
OS - evaluate the completion of the action Distribute subprocesses by day according to the value of the additional process field
We have the action Distribute subprocesses by days according to the value of the additional process field , with which you can set the distributio...
12 replies
settings are not saved in the action "Import orders from Rozetka Seller API"
the value in the field "Number of days for which to import orders" is not saved
2 answer
the name of the document in the "check out document" action
the name of the document can be attached to the number or id of the process?

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