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Search results for query #верстка

5 replies
07.01.2023, 14:58
Issues with block layout with step buttons at the bottom
The process is at a stage from which there are many options for transition to others. Block with buttons in several rows. When switching to a stage...
3 answer
29.12.2022, 10:48
The width of the blocks in the product card
Space was used inappropriately in the product card. The fields with prices are stretched to full width, while the price of the product is unlikely ...
7 replies
27.12.2022, 13:19
Please fix the layout. Not all stages are displayed
When you right-click on the top process in the calendar, the context menu opens up and not all stages are visible. With a larger number of stages, ...
3 answer
25.12.2022, 00:42
Please reduce the height of the Total rows and make a single number format
The Total Rows block takes up a lot of space in height. Extra line height and different number formats (absence of a currency sign in the Total lin...
10 replies
07.11.2022, 12:10
Floated layout on a custom online store for more than a week, please help me fix it
Good afternoon After completion of multilingualism, problems with layout remain. It's been a week since the problem was discovered. On tablets,...
3 answer
Personal license
12.09.2022, 12:41
Fix table centering
Here https://univer.1b.app/client/order/179/ https://take.ms/jlgkB the table went a little. Please fix heading styles and center alignment along wi...
3 answer
Personal license
17.08.2022, 17:44
Moved out the layout in the table of goods in the personal account
We did the revision here https://1b.app/ru/forum/other/14477-realizovat-popup-v-lichnom-kabinete-dlya-pro... Settings here https://univer.1b.ap...
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
26.07.2022, 14:10
The settings are not displayed correctly
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/10/interface/?groupid=5&workflowi... "Process Product Table" - can&#39...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
06.07.2022, 16:11
It is necessary to fix the layout, non-clickable conditions
Here, according to the layout, the condition https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/12/interface/?groupid=5 does not open in the "Products...
4 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
16.11.2021, 17:50
Flew layout
https://product-dealer.crm-onebox.com/app/report/designer/1/view/ Please correct the layout in the filters

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