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3 answer
forum not working properly
I bought OneBox and am actively setting it up with the official distributor. But the forum and application installation do not work for me: there i...
2 answer
05.07.2022, 15:08
OS. Prices for product 1c are not transferred
Good day We transfer information from 1s on products through the module Prices are not updated in some products https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/app/p...
BUG! Can't click on fine-tuning permissions
The "fine settings of access rights" is not pressed, it switches to general orders. Solve it please Screenshot attached where I click gad...
9 replies
30.06.2022, 16:49
Create a process based on the value of an additional contact card field.
Hello! The process uses the "Create a process based on the value of an additional contact card field" action. The field is empty, but pro...
11 replies
16.06.2022, 15:35
Processes keep freezing
Hello! After switching to the OS, I regularly encounter the problem of hanging processes. Now this one is stuck https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/31120...
7 replies
05.06.2022, 18:24
Bug - Disappears "Company" when you click on save
1. Enter the name of the company. 2. Click save. 3. The name of the company appears on the left under the avatar, but the Information about the com...
1 answer
04.06.2022, 14:00
Products - Product list bug - Doesn't display dropdown list
Noticed that the list does not allow you to select from the drop-down list. The list is empty. Can you fix this?
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
31.05.2022, 19:38
OS, when copying the access rights of one addendum, the installation of all other addendums for the role
Good day, We got stuck in an unacceptable situation, go to the "Document" add-on and clicked the "copy access rights from another gr...
3 answer
31.05.2022, 18:56
Currency designation in the order log
Hello! In the log of orders in the column "Amount" appeared the designation of the currency. But it is written before the sum value, not ...
6 replies
28.05.2022, 14:30
OS call popup
Hello! In the OS, it became impossible to go from the pop-up window of the call to the contact card. Is this a bug? Or did you finally decide to ma...

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