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6 replies
31.08.2023, 14:56
Contact groups, problem
Good afternoon It is necessary to delete the interfaces of some contact groups, but there are groups in which the interface cannot be cleaned, I de...
4 answer
19.06.2023, 15:20
The pop-up window with the date selection does not appear when clicking in the field Scheduled until
In some processes it opens, in some it doesn't. Does not open: https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/328017/ https://one-box.shine-bright.com.u...
sale of service in process
Creates a product using Import through Excel. In the product file, "Source (product type)" is counted as "service" In this case, it is impossible t...
Left swipe does not work on IOS, bug
There is no way to go back in the ios app. Every time you need to go to the main page.
1 answer
10.04.2023, 16:26
Bug. A problem with balances
Good day There was a problem https://1b.app/ua/forum/financial-and-payment-management/16831-balans-kliienta-b... According to the specific process,...
1 answer
23.03.2023, 12:39
Bug. Missing units of measurement in products and their selection
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/product/13027/edit/ https://take.ms/oJEjg units of measurement in products are missing. Please correct.
16 replies
09.03.2023, 14:24
Please fix the bug. Half a year the topic hangs, no result. How long can you wait?
Please help me fix the bug. The topic has been hanging for half a year, but the bug has not been fixed. https://1b.app/ru/forum/client-cabinets/157...
Can't create BP
Good afternoon I want to add a new stage to the BP, but it doesn't work https://rozumm.1b.app/app/workflow/2/constructor/ I can't click on "save"
Bug displaying BP parameters
In all BPs, when I click on the parameters, I can go to the "stage designer", "action designer", etc. And I can't see it in one BP in particular. ...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
16.02.2023, 15:09
BUG Conflict of task status display when displaying the list and when entering the task
HERE samboroborona, 1b, app We review the task from Help under this filter, screen 1287: app/workflowtype-03-spisannya/?filternumber=4331&workflowi...

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