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Component «I2CRM»

from OneBox #

How it works «I2CRM» #

I2CRM allows to receive messages from Instagram Direct to OneBox events and convert them to processes, and you'll be able to send a message to Instagram Direct right from within the process. Messages to the customers are sent through the process stage action.

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «I2CRM» #

Available Platforms «I2CRM» #

Application I2CRM available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application I2CRM available on my server
Available on my server
Application I2CRM customizable

Reviews and discussions component «I2CRM» forum #

8 replies
14.04.2022, 10:55
Is there an analogue of i2CRM?
Good afternoon! Tell me, is there an analogue of i2CRM for Instagram? Or maybe it will appear in the near future?
4 answer
07.02.2022, 14:51
messages are not sent
Hello, we have not sent messages from instagram for 3 days. We: 1. connected the integration again 2. contacted their tech support 3. checked wheth...
4 answer
29.01.2022, 15:58
Improvement: in the i2CRM application - add the ability to upload an avatar
Guys, please add to the i2CRM application the ability to receive a user's profile picture. According to the logs, I see that this data is being...
2 answer
27.01.2022, 09:32
Improvement for the action "Send a message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)"
Good afternoon! For the action on the "Send a message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)" steps, you need to add the ability to send files (in t...
5 replies
14.12.2021, 17:21
OS: Pictures do not come to the process
Guys, if the user sends a message to direct and the first message is of the type "picture" (file), "post", link or something el...
2 answer
25.11.2021, 15:41
OS: Not all messages come from i2crm
Guys, there is a small problem with i2crm, namely: not all messages from it always come. - there are messages in i2crm ( - not all messages in even...
6 replies
10.11.2021, 19:54
instagram - pictures / links / posts are not coming to the process
Good afternoon! When working with instagram (now I work through i2crm / creating Business processes) - there is a problem, namely: if the user send...
1 answer
17.09.2021, 15:29
Improvement of the action "Turn Instagram Direct message (i2crm) into a chat"
action Turn Instagram Direct message (i2crm) into a chat, now you can choose only whom to create a chat with, is it possible to finalize the setti...
3 answer
31.08.2021, 11:39
Bulk I2CRM Instagram
Hello there is a problem, through contacts by groups I filter the necessary clients, I choose mass mailing on instagram, messages begin to pour mas...
1 answer
12.07.2021, 16:07
i2crm events
Good afternoon. How to reply to a client in direct from a created process?