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List of related questions and answers «OneBox integrations»

11 replies
Personal license
05.09.2023, 12:51
Error 500 occurred due to duplicate product filters
The system began to receive duplicate filters when importing them from Openkart Import options and filters are selected in the item import settings...
Additional question
An additional question on the assessment of this task. https://1b.app/ru/forum/integration-with-onebox/17402-rozrobka-novih-integratsiy... The develo...
10 replies
Development of new integrations
Hello developers! In order to develop the functionality of the system and expand its scope of application, it is necessary to evaluate several inte...
Boxing doesn't work. Orders with Prom, Wordpress do not come in
Boxing doesn't work. Orders with Prom, Wordpress do not come in https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ Please sort it out
1 answer
16.05.2023, 10:03
Changing the time format
How to change the date format from American (year, month, day) to Ukrainian (day, month, year)?
3 answer
The integration with Rozetka stopped working
As of yesterday, orders from the outlet to onebox stopped being imported. Moreover, today's new order was imported. And yesterday's 2 are n...
5 replies
14.04.2023, 18:20
Evaluation of integration with Pactum for receiving legal data of a person under EDRPOU https://pactumsys.com/
Good day Please evaluate the API integration, the documentation is here https://pactumsys.com/help In principle, how the integration with Opendatab...
2 answer
15.03.2023, 12:26
App deleted? i2crm
An error occurred while installing the application. i2crm applications are not in the list available for installation
5 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
21.01.2023, 11:14
Signal app
Good afternoon! Can you please tell me if there are any plans to integrate the Signal messenger with Boxing?
5 replies
05.01.2023, 21:08
Give Googlebot access to robots.txt
You need to change the robots.txt file to fix the problem! Update your robots.txt file to allow Googlebot and Googlebot-Image user agents to crawl ...