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List of related questions and answers «Business Processes and Automation»

1 answer
03.04.2024, 19:14
Sum of two fields
And if you need to perform a function. Let's say there are two additional fields for the digital process. And in the third field of the process you...
0 replies
02.04.2024, 20:02
Correct addition of goods to the order during import
https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/automatization/minute/edit/ Automation once a minute - Integration of XML/JSON business processes (Import) Return ...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.03.2024, 09:09
DOESN'T WORK action: Get a list of process client bonuses from Opencart
An action was developed on this topic: https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-online-stores/18271-otsiniti-rozrobiti...
8 replies
Personal license
25.03.2024, 12:54
Procedures are not started when there is a change in the process
Configured a procedure with automations when saving the process, the procedure should be run "On any change in the process" - https://i.imgur.com/X...
1 answer
13.03.2024, 08:52
Error 500 when confirming orders
https://krx777.crm-onebox.com/2500875/ An example of a process
2 answer
04.03.2024, 12:19
Is it possible to use the urldecode.php function in the action "Calculate and write value to additional field if conditions are met"
Is it possible to use the urldecode.php function in the action "Calculate and write value to additional field if conditions are met" https://www.p...
2 answer
29.02.2024, 10:33
Improvement to the action “Merge processes with the same status and business process”: move the process to the required stage
Guys, please calculate the modification for the action “Merge processes with the same status and business process”. Now, the found process is being...
7 replies
The host is currently unable to process this request...HTTP ERROR 500
Good day, I need help, maybe someone has encountered Created a holding company, linked two companies under it that already have open processes with...
BUG!! Cron automation stopped working
TTNs themselves are not created through automation, orders from Prom are not coming in, we’ve been waiting for an hour. Look what the problem is ht...
3 answer
16.02.2024, 13:20
Settings in Universal Product Import (xml/json) are lost
Hello. Yesterday I added products through the Universal Product Import (xml/json) action, everything was added. Today I went to check the box so th...