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List of related questions and answers «OneBox plans and purchase»

1 answer
19.12.2022, 11:55
Upgrading from MVP Box to Cloud OS
In order for a client to upgrade from an MVP box to a cloud OS (tariff per user), does it need to pay a tariff in advance? Or will you transfer fir...
2 answer
how to completely delete your account and stop receiving notifications?
I finally sold my box and don't want to receive any more messages. How to completely delete your account and not receive any more messages?
2 answer
12.12.2022, 14:28
mobile contacts
How to change contacts in the mobile version of the site? Changed in the regular template, didn't change automatically in the mobile version We...
Go to OS
Good afternoon, we want to make a transition to the OS. Is it possible to do it today after 12:00?
1 answer
Personal license
02.12.2022, 12:12
Statistics of the transition of clients from MVP to OneBox OS
Is it possible to get statistics on how many clients were on MVP how much has it been updated? How long does MVP plan to stay? How many plans to up...
1 answer
02.12.2022, 09:51
Payment for OneBox OS
When trying to pay for OneBox OS (Cloud pricing for data and applications) it gives an error.
transfer the balance from one account to another
Good day! Help transfer the balance from the ubp.crm-onebox.com account to the 380683083377.1b.app account The first one was replenished, but it is...
Cloud pricing for data and applications
Do data charges accumulate or reset each month? That is, in month 1, I have created 1000 data. 2 month also 1000 data. Payment in 2 months will be ...
7 replies
The integrator took all the payment and did not fulfill the order
Here, a well-known integrator took on the task of optimizing a simple business process, as a result, the product does not work, as it is not finish...
1 answer
01.11.2022, 13:31
Upgrade to onebox Os
I use a cloud box, I need to update to onebox Os, I am interested in the following: 1. Will the functionality that is currently configured not fly ...