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Component «Horoshop»

from OneBox #

How it works «Horoshop» #

It allows to integrate your OneBox with Khoroshop marketplace. There also will be an option to import your contacts, products, product categories, currencies and their rate from Khoroshop. You'll also be able to import all orders, as well as to change order status in Khoroshop. OneBox can get order status from Khoroshop and change it to needed one in OneBox. There's also exporting of residues in stock from OneBox to Khoroshop available.

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «Horoshop» #

Available Platforms «Horoshop» #

Application Horoshop available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application Horoshop available on my server
Available on my server
Application Horoshop customizable

Reviews and discussions component «Horoshop» forum #

There is a problem with setting up the export of goods
Good day, https://autopartex.1b.app/app/horoshop/ Please help with setting up the export of goods to the site. Currently, an error occurs whe...
Orders from Khorozhop are not unloaded
Good day! The integration with Khorosop by order has stopped working. Although an hour ago, everything was ok https://kiyservice.1b.app/93341/ this...
Products on the website are not updated
Good day! For some reason, products are not updated in Horosop, although they were previously added through integration with srm and worked normall...
3 answer
09.04.2024, 18:43
Export of goods does not work
Congratulations, I have connected the HOROSHOP integration. I configured it, but categories and products are not exported. The category was created...
9 replies
22.03.2024, 18:11
Improvement: action "Import clients from Hoshohop"
Guys, please calculate the modification for the “Import clients from Hoshohop” action in the hour crown, namely: - add the ability to assign a “gro...
15 replies
26.02.2024, 17:46
Khoroshop: please correct the parameters in the price levels "Export goods to Khoroshop"
Guys, please help. I can’t convey the price levels for good prices. The support team, after looking at the logs, said that we were passing the par...
6 replies
08.02.2024, 13:01
BUG of the action "Export goods to Hoshohop". Additional status is not transmitted
I noticed a bug in the “Export goods to Hoshohop” action. The status "Pre-ordered" should be transmitted, but "Out of stock" is transmitted. Photo ...
12 replies
09.01.2024, 15:19
In "Export goods to Hoshohop" add the ability to put a "dot" symbol
In the action “Export goods to Hoshohop” there is a field “Field in Hoshohop (valid characters az 0-9 _):” but it is not possible to specify the “d...
0 replies
09.01.2024, 13:20
Question about the old modification: "Additional categories Good"
Previously, I ordered the modification “Rework on the Horoshop application (categories and filters)” before launching the site - https://1b.app/ru/...
2 answer
10.12.2023, 14:41
Products without an article number are not imported to Hoshotop
Guys, please help. We can't launch the site without this. There is a problem with importing products into Hoshohop, namely: products that do not ha...